University of York
The Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence (GCCE) at the University of York is dedicated to research, education and outreach in the area of green and sustainable chemistry. The GCCE currently has an external research income of ca. €4M with grants from the EU, EPSRC, Innovate UK, and €1M direct funding from industry in the last 3 years. Many of the projects are international and normally involve multiple partners. In 2014, the GCCE moved into a new purpose-built €5M centre incorporating a unique Industrial Engagement Facility and state-of-the-art laboratories. Over 90 staff and graduate students work in the research areas of renewable resources, waste valorisation and biorefineries, green product design and green metrics, clean synthesis and alternative processing technologies. The GCCE leads many educational and networking initiatives, which previously included the Global Green Chemistry Centres network (G2C2).
The University of York is involved in many collaborative activities, including the BioVale bioeconomy initiative and UK government white papers. The GCCE specifically organises: (1) a Microwave Commercialisation Club with interest in levoglucosenone production and biomass generally; (2) RenewChem is an industry club involving a diverse membership of bio-based product manufacturers and users.
The University of York (specifically the GCCE) is uniquely positioned as a research organisation working on innovative biomass processing technologies (upstream in the value chain) and the downstream applications of bio-based products (and ultimately end-of-life options). The University of York also works in the areas of environmental health and safety assessment, stakeholder communication, and the commercialisation of bio-based products (including involvement in regulatory panels, European standards, and long-standing partnerships with industry).
Role in the project:
The University of York will lead all necessary quality and purity assessments within the ReSolute project and will contribute to the design and construction of the industrial plant. In addition, University of York will support the development of product applications made with Cyrene™.