Circa Group AS has developed the world’s first and only continuous thermochemical process to convert waste, non-food biomass into advanced bio-based chemicals, including the platform molecule levoglucosenone (LGO) and the novel solvent Cyrene™. Circa’s proprietary FuracellTM process has been proven over ten years, across five pilot plants, and its large prototype plant FC5 is operational in Tasmania, Australia. Using certified, renewable cellulose waste from papermaking and forestry operations, FC5, produces significant quantities of LGO and Cyrene™ for researchers and customers around the world.
Role in the project:
Circa Group AS is the coordinator of the ReSolute project. It is 100% owned by Circa Group AS. It will lead the consortium in the industrial scale-up of Cyrene™ production and sales in Europe.
Dr. Sarah Hickingbottom